Freelance Assignments
In collaboration with the we are able to make working prototypes of wearable electronics and innovative fashion in small badges. The by-wire network is well equipped to develop and execute: pattern drawing; fitting models; source suitable fabrics, accessory, haberdashery, soft electronics; sew, knit, weld, glue the parts together; labelling; photo shoot; technical drawing; and detailed process documentation.
R=AIR with Laurentius Lab
The artists’ motivation is to stimulate innovation in fashion. Not only the innovative use of known principles like tessellations, where mathematics is essential, but also textile and process innovation, next to business innovation (new forms of cooperation). We use for example sublimation printing, foil applications and laser cutting for the construction of the garments. This year’s theme is a playful fantasy interpretation of the corona virus in a fashion collection consisting out of six items: a shirt, a corset, a dress, a jeans, a top and a hoodie. We name the collection R=AIR. Playfulness, math, making, aesthetics, dress and creativity help us to stay mentally healthy in difficult times.
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Bilihome wearable phototherapy
For our client Bilihome we developed several prototypes of the garments. Bilihome aims to support jaundiced newborns and their parents, naturally. The wearable solution allows optimal blue light therapy and helps babies to recover in the right environment. read more
Barti-MAT: interactive playmat
Together with Bartiméus, VU Amsterdam and Bartiméus Fonds, developed an interactive playmat. Barti-MAT is developed to support bonding between parents and young children with visual (and intellectual) disabilities. We produced 12 copies to test the playmat within different institutes in The Netherlands. Find here more infomation:
Contact us if you are interested to take this product into production. Customers are waiting for you!
Smart Shirt with printed electronics monitors key vital signs had the pleasure to collaborate with Holst Centre to develop this shirt for medical and fitness applications.
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A Cellular Automaton for Pied-de-poule (Houndstooth)

We report on the generation of a specific type of pied-de-poule pattern (houndstooth) using a dedicated cellular automaton.
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XTH • interact with connected devices
XTH Sense harnesses the power of your body to let you interact with connected devices. took the responsibility design and prototype manufacturing within the XTH-team.
Holst Centre • ECG Shirt

The ECG T-shirt (iteration one: blue | iteration two: red) • is made with the patented stretchable interconnect technology of Holst Centre, allowing a technical and also a smooth aesthetical integration of biometric sensing throughout the garment.
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Prototypes for user testing medical applications is working with the world’s top brands to build solutions to support a growing number of medical applications, from heart, lung and brain monitoring solutions to blankets which provide light therapy. read more
ILJA ASSIMILA SS16: Couture with light systems

In collaboration with the ILJA team has developed integrated light systems for the most recent couture collection ASSIMILA. These systems were integrated in 5 couture looks in the ASSIMILA SS16 collection, shown at Paris Fashion Week. ASSIMILA is about assimilation and therefore inspired by the skin, where the change of colour is poetically expressed in these technical light systems.
Catherine Phipps: “Ilja’s new couture collection is fluid and silky, but also contemporary and energetic: a fascinating “new pretty.”
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Bright Jacket for Holst Centre

We had the pleasure to create a jacket with tiny leds for Holst Centre. The jacket features imec and Holst Centre’s flexible smart fabric interconnect technology, and miniaturized electronics. Pictures by Verse Beeldwaren.
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NazcAlpaca • high-end body monitoring & wearables for environmental awareness
With the help of Bear Creek Mining S.A.C. in Peru we developed the first proof of concept to combine alpaca yarn with innovative wearable technology: NazcAlpaca. An innovative training system to avoid work related stress issues. The NazcAlpaca shirt monitors your body, with this app you can adjust settings, start training and check your history. Two scarfs can measure the air quality and temperature around the wearer. Here you will find a visual documentation of the process and its prototypes so far.
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Imec and Holst Centre Showcase Advanced Smart Garment at ITF Brussels 2015

Press release: June 24, 2015 – Today, imec and Holst Centre are demonstrating the most advanced smart garment to date at the Imec Technology Forum (ITF) in Brussels. The smart t-shirt measures a highly accurate electrocardiogram (ECG), recognizes activity and calculates energy expenditure in an unobtrusive way. The t-shirt features imec and Holst Centre’s flexible smart fabric interconnect technology, and miniaturized electronics. The smart t-shirt allows for maximum user comfort and natural movement.
A project from Holst Centre. Photo’s by Marc Koetse. Shirt design and prototyping of the shirt is done by us:
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Led prototype constructed with conductive glue for MaanR&D

Via the research center of Saxion Smart Functional Materials I was asked to design and make a garment to show the outstanding qualities of conductive glue developed by MaanR&D. The sweater is made out of scrubbed Lycra, the conductive fabric is laser cut in the Maan logo and than laminated on the Lycra fabric. After the sweater was finished MaanR&D connected tiny LED’s with conductive glue.
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Blue light wristband by Philips, on show @TechTextil 2015

In 2013 we made several Blue light wristband prototypes for Philips. Now on show during TechTextil 2015 in Frankfurt one of the prototypes with the beautiful integration technology of Imec and Holst Centre.
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Woven light art: Ank Hazelhoff

This beautiful woven object from Ank Hazalhoff is made out of tiny LED’s and fiber optics that transport the light. The work has been exhibited during the Textiel Festival in Leiden from 13 to 16 may 2015.
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Fespa entry for Coldenhove Papier helped Dirk van Vreeswijk to develop a concept for the Fespa Contest and made 4 garments as demonstrators out of the transfer printed fabric made with outstanding Coldenhove Papier. Vote here!
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Psoriasis therapy device: Philips Blue Control

Last year I had the pleasure to consult and prototype the fixation and textile research, during the development process of the Philips Blue Control: “The world’s first wearable blue LED light therapy device to treat skin disease psoriasis vulgaris.” Now it is out there!!!
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SaxShirt by Saxion

A sensing shirt that measures breathing rhythm, heartbeat, and temperature of the person. Prototype production Marina Toeters & Melissa Bonvie. The shirt is on display @University Twente in Enschede.
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Glowing collar for Rijksmuseum via Philips Research
Rijksmuseum initiated the project Luminous Couture: a glowing collar, inspired by the 17th century costumes of the wealthy bourgeois in the Amsterdam Canal Belt. The 21st Century interpretation contains LED technology.
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Demonstrator for Holst Centre (baby wrap)

Marina had the possibility to design and develop the outer layers of this baby wrap together with Margreet de Kok from Holst Centre. More info: >>
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Philips Blue Touch
Since August 2010 is working for Philips on the straps to attach the Pain Relief Patch onto the body. The patch and straps are for sale at the pharmacy shops as Philips Blue Touch. was involved in the research and development areas prototyping, user comfort, product design, material (textile) research, fitting / sizing and production sourcing. More info for buying>>
e-textile swatch – Skin patch with magnet zipper

As member of the E-textile group I was asked to contribute to a e-textile swatch book 2013. As is developing products worn close to the body I tried to address some discussion topics that often occur during the process. Four of them are combined in this e-textile swatch.
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For Yildiz Celie and Communicatie in Teamverband we 3D-printed some moulds to enable them making decorated cakes ;-)
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The first complete e-wearable pervasive game platform
Woven Wearable Games is a Master graduation project at the Utrecht School of the Arts created by Christiaan Ribbens and Patrick Kersten.
This summer Melissa Bonvie and Marina Toeters helped them by designing and making 2 interactive sweaters.
Check the concept around this ‘Pervasive Game’ and more details:
Suikerspin experiment with Thijs Rijkers

We did an experiment to make new material out of old synthetic fabrics. Thijs Rijkens, student Product Design HKU, made an rotating heating system with little holes to press the material around, as a ‘suikerspin-machine’. Here a small collection of jewelry and garment parts. More info about Thijs’ work:
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Vibrating shirt reacts on music

64 vibrators are integrated in this shirt. All these tiny vibrators can be individually controlled. A microchip with wireless connection is connected to a system that translates music in tactile information. High tones will be felt high on the body, with low tones the lowest vibrators come in action. That’s how you can feel Beethoven move onto your body or Tiësto beating all over you arms and back.
This project is commissioned by the Utrecht School of Art; music, interaction & game department, in and made in collaboration with Tim Walther. Pictures by Maarten van der Meer
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Wireless sensor costumes for Marloeke van der Vlugt
Development and production of a wireless sensor costumes, by Waag Society and Design of the suit is a collaboration between Marina Toeters and Marloeke van der Vlugt.
12 different sensors are integrated into a digital printed jersey with embroidery effect.
This suit will be used in Duetten, 1-5 June 2011 in Het Veemtheater with Marjolein Vogels, Sarah Manya, Tim van Elferen. Theater design and production by Marloeke van der Vlugt.