Complex R&D trajects
Innovative materials, smart textiles, new production processes and how to apply these in relevant products for society? Projects like these become very complex, for example due to multi stakeholder involvement, early stage technology and developements with different time-to-market perspectives. Marina Toeters has experience in guiding teams through innovation processes.
SBIR Caring Clothing Tech & Fit Filter
By the RVO NL we have been assigned to perform two feasibility studies. One for washable protective gowns and one for FFP2 facemasks.
VIBE project and colleagues in Fashion Tech Farm are working on a VIBE (Visions by Experience) project with several European partners.
We designed and made ten interactive garments targeted at young activists of Generation Z (18-24 years old). As you can see each garment has different design patterns and is made of particular textiles for conveying a coherent narrative to people and through the user who wears it. All the garments are equipped with interactive components, including an Arduino, speakers, vibrator motors, all connected with printed electronics.
From April 25 to May 1, 2022, an exhibition of those garments will take place at IDEAL, Carrer del Dr. Trueta, 196, 198, 08005 Barcelona. A visitor will wear one garment and walk around to explore the “goblin mode healing” space. They are immersed in the fantasy music composed by Neurodungeon. The garment plays a vibration pattern that echoes the rhythm of the music, thereby adding an additional sensory experience.
The Fashion Filter
The Fashion Filter is an online pop-up store initiated by the Fashion Tech Farm, LABELEDBY., Supported by TU/e and Vlisco. The Fashion Filter is a continuous development in shape, pattern, materials, functionalities, collaborations, production methodologies and style. We make use of the strengths of digital manufacturing techniques such as lasercutting, sublimation and 3D-Printing.
We are proud that The Fashion Filter facemasks are developed at the Fashion Tech Farm and produced locally in Eindhoven, The Netherlands!
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Our Book!!! Unfolding Fashion Tech: Pioneers of Bright Futures
Onomatopee 167, Marina Toeters /, 2019
Unfolding Fashion Tech: Pioneers of Bright Futures
Order now!!! €24 ex. shipping. @Onomatopee Or feel free to email me for inquiries.
Content: 50 Innovative Fashion Projects + 8 Short Articles by Daniëlle Bruggeman, Jan Mahy, Rens Tap, Ben Wubs, Loe Feijs, Koen van Os, Gail Kenning, Lianne Toussaint, Stephan Wensveen, Anke Jongejan, Pauline van Dongen and Oscar Tomico.
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Closed Loop Smart Athleisure Fashion
closed loop smart athleisure fashion is a new initiative based on previous work of Marina Toeters ( and Margreet de Kok (Holst Centre). The smart shirts continuously measures the ladies’ key vital signals based on Holst Centre’s advanced printed sensor technologies on flexible substrates for textile integration. The laminated sensors are truly wearable, comfortable, robust, invisible during use, washable up to 25 cycles, and designed for unobtrusive integration in conventional fashion production.
This new collection targets fashionable sporty ladies at office work and right after work, they embrace forward thinking. The closed loop lease and recycle system make it extra special.
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The making of…. closed loop smart atheleisure fashion
by Marina Toeters • | Margreet de Kok • Holst Centre | Melissa Bonvie • Katoen Enzo:
The closed loop smart athleisure fashion items continuously measure the wearers’ key vital signals via printed and laminated sensors. It targets fashionable sportive ladies at office work and right after work; they embrace forward thinking and are taking care of themselves.
Our ambition is to put a full service circular proposition in place. Local production and a closed loop service system are our key aims.
Our project is about how to produce and maintain sensor garments and which kind closed loop service models could be attractive for the market development. So from a technical perspective we try to design for dismantling, re-use or recycling. The material choices are first being made with the performative qualities in mind and second to enable the recycling process. We managed for example to get our hands on Econyl textile, which is a recycled material existing out of polyamide.
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Printed Electronics (PE) participated in the Printed Electronics (PE) project. This project aims to develop and mature the PE ecosystem in South Netherland.
This project is supported by the European Union and the EFRO. More info here >>
4th Dimension – Dynamic Knit

4th dimension is a Global design local manufacturing initiative of Marina Toeters,, Utrecht, The Netherlands and Jesse Asjes, jsssjs Product Design Providence RI, USA
Born out of the pleasure of working together and complementary skills (dimension 1) and both feeling the urge to share knowledge (dimension 2), but living on each side of the ocean (dimension 3) we were forced to research how to design and develop complex innovative e-garments (dimension 4) on distance. Find here all our dynamic experiments.
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NazcAlpaca • high-end body monitoring & wearables for environmental awareness
With the help of Bear Creek Mining S.A.C. in Peru we developed the first proof of concept to combine alpaca yarn with innovative wearable technology: NazcAlpaca. An innovative training system to avoid work related stress issues. The NazcAlpaca shirt monitors your body, with this app you can adjust settings, start training and check your history. Two scarfs can measure the air quality and temperature around the wearer. Here you will find a visual documentation of the process and its prototypes so far.
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MVO Sustainable and supportive garments for nurses was involved in the wonderful development and co-creation process between 4 ambitious care/cure institutes, three work wear producers and textile experts. Here pictures of the results during a conference for the health sector in Rotterdam, December 4. 2014. See the posture sensor, the gas sensor, the supportive under layer, the futuristic pattern design and the comfortable materials.
What you don’t see: the materials are as sustainable as possible, so also better for our world. More info here >> (in Dutch). And RTL Boulevard (minute 13:58)
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Solar Fiber development

The idea behind Solar Fiber is a flexible photovoltaic fiber that converts sunlight energy into electrical energy. We aim to develop this as a yarn that can be worked into all sorts of fabrics. This “smart material” will be able to be used in all sorts of applications where textiles are currently used, but with the added advantage of being able to produce an electrical current.
Smart Textile Services – involving the Dutch textile industry

Since end 2011 Marina was involved in the Creative Industry Scientific Programme via the research center Smart Functional Materials of Saxion. This research was all about Smart Textile Services.
Designing and Selling ‘Soft Product’ – ‘Valuable Service’ systems (Smart Textile Services) is about the development of successful methods, platforms, guiding principles and the business models required to understand the multi-disciplinary opportunities and challenges of creating Smart Textile Product Service Systems.
In 4 years we teamed up with the Dutch textile industry to create lots of knowledge, publications, exhibitions and 11 wonderful projects. Learn here more about it.
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Marina Toeters active in the Saxion Smart Functional Material reserach group
The research center Smart Functional Materials (SFM) of Saxion University for applied sciences is based in Enschede. Since the summer of 2011 Marina Toeters is an active member of this team of interdisciplinary experts in the field of Smart Materials, especially textiles.
Amongst other project Marina will represent Saxion involved in the CRISP (Creative Industry Scientific Program) Platform, pathway Smart Textile Services.
Human & Kind • for Moon Life [ESA]

In 50 years the Moon Life Academy and ESA expect that bigger groups of people could live on the moon. To make the moon and society ready for this big step there needs to happen a lot. Like how to link humanity and kindness to protection against an absurd and technical environment?
The European Space Agency (ESA) and the Moon Academy collaborated, to discover new concepts for living on the moon. Therefor they asked several designers and artists to create concepts and visions about how we, as society, could and would become ‘moon habitants’. Alicia Framis of the Moon Life Academy asked Marina to join the Moon Life team to explore design concepts in the field of fashion.
Alicia asked Marina’s input because of her experience with new (smart) textiles. Textile communicates good with the body and brings softness and tactility in life. On the moon, humans will have to depend heavily on technology. However, technology is not know for its softness.
Which textiles would suit best to moon life? Find here more about this extensive research!
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collaborative textile: fashion vs interieur meets JSSSJS
This project was developed in collaboration between Marina Toeters of and Jesse Asjes JSSSJS Product Design. Jesse Asjes is a textile designer posed by technology and innovation. Jesse chooses ‘Slow design’, where designs come from the intended use rather than appearance or image. Sustainability and quality are its central.
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