Barti-MAT: interactive playmat

Together with Bartiméus, VU Amsterdam and Bartiméus Fonds, developed an interactive playmat. Barti-MAT is developed to support bonding between parents and young children with visual (and intellectual) disabilities. We produced 12 copies to test the playmat within different institutes in The Netherlands. Find here more infomation:
Contact us if you are interested to take this product into production. Customers are waiting for you!

Read here more about the development of this playmat. >> Dekkers et al 2019

Dekkers-Verbon, P., Toeters, M., Baars, M., Barakova, E. & Sterkenburg, P. (2019). An interactive playmat to support bonding between parents and young children with visual (and intellectual) disabilities. EKSIG2019. Knowing Together – experiential knowledge and collaboration. 23-24 september Estonian Academy of Arts, Estonia