fPDP: a novel textile pattern, accepted for Bridge conference
Two art works of Professor Feijs (TU/eindhoven) and Marina Toeters (tech fashion designer) are accepted for the Bridge conference. The works are each a combination of fashion, new technology, and mathematics. 1) Drapely-o-lightment is a skirt designed around the themes of drapability and light. 2) fPDP is a novel textile pattern: fractal Pied de Poule. Here fPDP applied in the design of a men’s jacket.
The pattern is generated by a recursive algorithm in Processing, post-processed in Adobe Illustrator and cut with a Speedy300 laser cutter at TU/e. The jack was designed and welded in the fashion technology studio by-wire.net. There exists a classical pied de poule for each N =1,2,3 etc. Taking inspiration from the Cantor set, and using the analysis of the classical pattern, we found a family of elegant new fractal Pied de Poules. At Bridges, the fPDP jacket will be displayed on a mannequin. The outer layer of white fabric has been laser-cut and the tiny holes reveal the black layer underneath.